jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

What was Roman society like?

Today, the class is in English. The last class we had, was about Roman Art,do you remember?

Today we are going to continue with the society. I don't know if everybody has their English book...If you don't have your English book, please tell me; and I will send you a link where you can find it.

Have a look at the English online book and the real English book, just in case the pages are the same numbers.

In the English on line book, the Roman society is in page 84. Here it is.


I would like you to read this page about society, and then answer these questions in your notebook; and send me a photo by mail:

1. Who was a citizen in Rome?
2. How many types of citizen were in Rome? Tell me their names.
3. What rights have citizens?
4. What happened in the third century?
5. What are the differences between citizens and not citizens?
6. What are the differences between patricians and plebeians?
7. Explain me the reason why plebeians fight with the patricians? What was the name of the tribunes who represented the plebeians in Rome? What was his function?

You have to look for the answer seven on the internet.

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